Thursday, April 1, 2010

Personal Jesus

I started listening to Depeche Mode from as early as my ears and senses could pick up music. They are my favourite and top music band. The mysterious aura and dark overtones surrounding their songs was something i embrace and could identify with till today. In 1989, Depeche Mode released 'Personal Jesus' as a single preceding the release of 'Violator', one of their highest acclaimed album and inspiring countless music bands since. I believe this song is still banned in many radio stations around the world, it is not difficult to know why just by looking at the song title itself.

It is not a song about jesus but rather, Martin Gore chief music writer of the band, cleverly uses it as a metaphor to describe a lover as akin to a higher power - somewhere who is always there, someone who cares, someone who is 'your own personal jesus'. I like that. Intelligent lyrics married to a galloping guitar riff makes this a top Depeche Mode song.

Someday soon i hope to find her. I'll be her personal jesus and she'll be mine too.

'Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer
I will deliver

You know i am a
forgiver' - Personal Jesus

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