a musical journey back in time...
of hit tunes, obscure album tracks, b-sides, cover versions and all that sounds good...
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Goodbye 2009 ; Time For Change
Motley Crue is an American hard-rock band. They were part of the late 80s surge of long-haired metal bands emerging, belting out songs telling of wild nights out, teen anger, drugs with one or two slow ballads tucked inside every album which were usually gems. It was in 1989, with every penny saved from my pocket money, i was able to purchase cassette tapes on my own, starting with this music genre. Since then, i am very much a metal head. I remembered this album fondly as it was one of the first albums i had bought, containing the head-banging fast adrenaline title track 'Dr Feelgood' which is actually a reference for drugs, 'Without You' a forlorn song about falling in love.
'Time For Change' is the last song on this album and it is the reason for my writing this last blog post to end the year and also this decade. It was not a single but the moment i heard this intimate song as a 12-year old then, the lyrics and tune just spoke volumes to me. This song has accompanied me right to my adulthood, and listening to it each time still gives me the chills and highs. It is just such a powerful track to me about facing changes in life and that 'nothing stays the same'.
Time For Change
I Heard Some Kids Telling Me How They've Lost All The Faith In The Way They've Been Talking World Peace And The Wars In The Streets
The Lines On Their Faces So Deep A Revolution, Or Reach Out And Touch The Day We're Overdue Child
Change Now It's Time For Change Nothing Stays The Same Now It's Time For Change
I Feel The Future In The Hands Of Our Youth Will Be Safe No More Lies Old, Tired Fools Tell Our Future With Tarot Cards, And Lie Of Crime
The Lines On Their Faces So Deep A Revolution, Or Reach Out And Touch The Day We're Overdue Child
Change Now It's Time For Change Nothing Stays The Same Now It's Time For Change
I'll Change I'll Change Not Tomorrow But Today
Change Now It's Time For Change Nothing Stays The Same Now It's Time For Change
For all the good and bad, laughter and tears, heartbreaks and happiness, baggages and regrets for the past year and the years gone by, it is time to throw them out the window and tear down the walls, as the dawn of a new decade beckons.
All song files available are solely for evaluation purpose only so if you like what you hear, do support the artist/s by buying their CDs or tunes. If I am infringing on any copyright of yours, email me and I'll remove the files.
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