REM is one of the biggest rock bands in the world, hailing from New Orleans, USA. While i may not be a very big fan of the band except for their singles, their album 'Automatic For The People' released in the early 1990s can be considered one of my favourite albums of all time and to many REM fans in the world, the strongest album they have ever made.
This album is very quiet, most songs starts off with guitarist Peter Buck's acoustic strums. Vocalist Michael Stipe probably wrote his best lyrics in this album. Sensitive and with meaning, this album scored several hits and the whole album sounds very coherent, bordering on themes such as mortality, death, hurt and ultimately ending off with a hopeful note.
The song 'Drive' starts off the album with a dark tone. The looping acoustic guitar line gave the song a sombre feel till Peter Buck lets loose a few crunches of the electric guitar towards the end, to a great effect. A great opening for this classic album.

One particular track stands out at the end of the album called 'Nightswimming.' A very bare track with a single repetitive piano line, lush strings and Stipe's emotive vocals and lyrics. Till this day, i may not have fully grasp the meaning of this song but i guess it is about hope. Some things are so beautiful it is better left unsaid and unexplained. Download this track here.
"Everybody hurts, sometimes everybody cries...
Everybody hurts sometimes..."

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