It was a mammoth task looking through and choosing my most favourite tunes from that era, there are just so many. It will probably take me a lifetime to listen to many more unexplored gems. Below are a selection of my "most-often-listened-to" tracks.

1) Try To Remember
- The Brothers Four
The Brothers Four were an American folk group formed in the late 50s. I heard this serene song on radio many years back and it still remains a staple tune in my head.

This sad but beautiful tune chronicling the falling apart of a relationship due to a lack of understanding just makes my heart ache whenever i hear this. The singer's emotional voice, great supporting vocals and the beautiful strings in the background just make this a wonderful song to listen to. There may be countless cover versions made since but i believe none will beat this great version done by 80s pop group Simply Red in 1989.

3) Movie Star - Harpo
This is a very happy tune...so happy it just bring a smile to my face regardless of how i feel each time i listen to this...

- The Sandpipers
This classic song by 60s US folk group is just a great listen at any time. It was the band's biggest hit too. Check out this other sentimental track called Never Say Goodbye (Chotto Matte Kudasai), laced with japanese lyrics that made this a really great love song...
5) Danny Boy - Andy Williams

This ballad is one of my favourite oldies. I searched up the internet and found that this was originally an Irish song and widely regarded as an Irish anthem. Some interpretations of this song were thought to be as a message from a parent to a son going off to war. Sung with feelings, emotion and meaning, this is simply timeless...
This song remains one of the best "storytelling" songs i have ever heard. I could always imagine myself experiencing what the singer goes through each time whenever i listen to this. It cast a very vivid and powerful image in my mind. The 'howling winds' in the song background add to a great effect as the singer and his pony tries to trudge their way back home in the chilling blizzard, a sad ending though...i love to listen to this on those late night journey's home after work. Check out the lyrics here.
"For it's only three more miles to Mary Anne..."

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