I grew up listening to my brother's cassette collection when i was a kid. yes - cassettes, which may not ring much of a bell to music fans today who grew up with the CD and MP3 generations. but for those of us who grew up in the 80s, it was a very memorable journey - from rushing to my favourite music store and buy off the latest Bon Jovi album, getting blank cassette tapes to compile our favourite "best of" tunes, lugging those tapes and walkman in my school bag and boasting to friends of the latest cool hit from Def Leppard.
This blog has been long overdue. The intention of this blog is to share some of the most memorable tunes that have been circulating in my brain (other than on my mp3 playlist) for the most part of my life so far, and in a way to open up to music fans of today what they had missed out, but not too late to savour some of the best music that was made in yesteryears.
Welcome to Sirius Tunes!
1 comment:
Great stuff !
Appreciate your own commentaries and candid take on the songs.
Keep the songs and commentaries flowing man.
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