Sunday, January 25, 2009

Looking For Linda

My brother drops by my house probably twice a month nowadays and not as often as he used to do. His constant habit is to sit in front of my computer, logged onto YouTube website and keyed in titles of music videos, mostly of the 80s. I am not complaining but am actually grateful, for at certain times i will be awed to find that long lost forgotten hit, courtesy of my brother's more equipped knowledge of 80s music than me.

So it was in december last year that he came by and played 'Looking For Linda' by 80s band Hue & Cry. Instantly, that catchy chorus hit me the moment it started. It must have been a good 14 or so years back since i last heard it. Cool song, excellent...

Watch the MTV here and enjoy the song.

YouTube is one of the best inventions on the internet for me personally. i recall the days in the early 1990s when i was a student staying up late nights to catch the latest MTV music videos and taping them using a VCR. Those days are long gone and obsolete. At a stroke of a finger and a few words, we could watch watch mostly any music videos, past and present instantly on YouTube. i have since moved on beyond music videos and watched countless documentaries, history channels and education films on various interest on YouTube and allowing me to know and understand the world more intimately. It has deepened my thoughts and enrich my mind for the better.

'Never Stop Looking for Linda...'

I am still looking for mine...

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